Built-in modules

ArC2Control comes with an ever expanding collection of experiment modules. They are tailored with crosspoint operations in mind, although they should apply to any kind of two-terminal DUT. More modules will be made available in subsequent releases. All built-in modules typically feature a graph page and a data page which allows you to export the data to an external file.


Retention is the archetypal “read over time” experiment. It will read one or more crosspoints in fixed intervals at the specified read-out voltage.

Experimental parameters for Retention



Default value

Read every

Interval between subsequent reads

1 second

Read for

Total retention duration

1 minute

Read at

Read-out voltage

Global read-out

Use global read-out?

Whether global read-out should be used


Retention results

A typical result from a Retention experiment: graph (left) and raw data (right).

Curve Tracer

CurveTracer is another typical experiment that applies a voltage ramp and reads at a specified voltage. It is used to produce an I–V curve of the DUT.

Experimental parameters for CurveTracer



Default value

Initial voltage

Voltage starting point

0.0 V

Positive Vmax

The maximum positive polarity voltage

1.0 V

Negative Vmax

The maximum negative polarity voltage

(-)1.0 V

Voltage step

Voltage increment per measurement

0.1 V


Pulse width or step time

100 ns


Delay between pulses (pulsing mode only)

100 ns


Repetition of each measurement loop



Number of voltage pulses per step


Bias Type

Modality of pulsing (pulsed or staircase)


IV direction

Loop direction

V₀ → V+ → V– → V₀

Read At

Read-out voltage (at bias or global read-out)


CurveTracer has two different modalities of operation, either Staircase or Pulsed. In the first case bias is never removed from the DUT; it just increases at each step the width of which is governed by the PW attribute. The latter option will apply one or more PW-wide pulses per step followed by an interval specified by the Inter attibute when the voltage is reverted to 0.0 V.

CurveTracer algorithm

Visualisation of the algorithm used by a pulsed CurveTracer test for 1 cycle, 1 pulse per step, ReadAt bias voltage and loop direction order V₀ → V+ → V– → V₀.

Curve Tracer results

A typical result from a CurveTracer: graph (left) and raw data (right). Graph view shows linear and logarithmic current as well as resistance of the DUT.